Saturday, February 1, 2025

Michael's Chronicles: Joah the Unjust

I wondered how long it would take my brother to start writing again after his heart surgery. Apparently not long at all. Some people get knocked for a loop for months, even years, and I don't blame them for that, but I was pretty sure Michael would make his own path. That's just what he does. Check out his site for Hardwood Music Company to see what else he does.

Joah the Unjust

As I lay on the pillow last night attempting to drift off to sleep Joah (four feet away in the next bed) lay down a fart so heavy with stench that it fell to the floor, shattered into pieces each of which sprouted little legs and scurried off to find hiding places from which it could exact olfactory vengeance upon innocent passersby. I, locked in the motel room with him, was its only victim. Things went downhill from there.

A recent survivor of open heart surgery, I was certain that I would be found dead the next morning or in some irreversibly catatonic state that would be mistaken by paramedics for a stroke. Clearly, not only uniquely venomous snakes shut down the central nervous system. As they began to burn I closed my eyes - to very little avail.

The front desk had exacted a hundred dollar damage deposit from me upon my arrival. Said it would be returned to me if, upon inspection, the room were to be found “in good condition.”. Easy come easy go. They’ll need a restoration crew in hazmat suits to deal with room 119 on the east side of the building. Can’t wait to see the bill.

Since mine was the only face the clerk encountered at check-in I know who’s going to take the blame for the peeling paint. Thanks Joah. See if I ever travel with you again. 

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