Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Michael's Chronicles: Cracks

I wondered how long it would take my brother to start writing again after his heart surgery. Apparently not long at all. Some people get knocked for a loop for months, even years, and I don't blame them for that, but I was pretty sure Michael would make his own path. That's just what he does. Check out his site for Hardwood Music Company to see what else he does.

2 A.M.
January 28, Amarillo

Walk between life’s cracks
Or hop over them but I must ask,
What interest have you in solid ground?
Have you not been there before?
No worthy journey is about the rinse and repeat

What earthly things do we learn
By traipsing along the beaten path?
If you landed on some strange planet
Would you find joy in seeing footprints
Or a planted flag? I suspect not.

I prefer to stumble through unanticipated places
To be graced with surprise and wonder
The morning rain on my imaginary tin roof
Embroiders my awakening with thoughts of adventure
I will not sit still this day - not this one

Let me not walk with blinders on
For I may miss something quite funny
Or something so beautiful and strange
That it my change my life forever
Well, maybe not forever but at least 
Until the next time
Yeah, at least until then

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