Michael lives in Flagstaff, a high altitude place the he loves because it's got mountains (in fact, it's got volcanoes), but there's a price to pay for that real estate. No wonder he would rather be on the road most of the time . . .
March 14
Let me make a disclaimer here, paragon of truth that I am. I am not a malcontent. There are plenty of things in my life that please me no end. Snow simply is not one of them. Trouble is, I live in snow country. Seven thousand feet off of sea level in the direction of the universe to be precise. There’s a reason there are no palm trees here. They don’t like snow either. See? I’m not alone. And we’re not the only ones. What about citrus and rubber plants? Oh, yeah, and throw in Venus fly traps for good measure. Getting my drift?
So when they call it God’s country it sets me to wondering just what god they’re referring to. Boreas was the Greek god of winter and ice, as well as the God of the north wind. In ancient art, he was depicted as an elderly man or a strong, bearded man with ice in his hair. Not my kind of guy. I don’t even like his name. If I saw him walking down the road I might run over him with my car. Johnny Nash got it right in his song, I Can See Clearly Now, when he said “gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.”
But for me, even bright sun isn’t enough. I gotta have warmth. I mean, if the Good Lord had wanted us to worship the cold so much don’t you think he’d have lined the birth canal with ice, and we’d have all slid out with popsicle sticks for legs? News flash: he didn’t.
By the way, have you ever looked at snowshoes? Who had the audacity to call those things footwear? Oversized tennis rackets or trout nets if you ask me. But don’t go out on this day in your Buster Browns or your Keds. The drifts that fell outside last night will eat your feet alive. Can’t a man just walk around without having to pull on fleece lined boots? If I spent the money on those things I won’t be able to feed my turtle (who, by the way, doesn’t like snow any more than I do) for six months. What do I write on his gravestone? “Paid the ultimate price for snow boots?” Hope the ASPCA doesn’t hear about me.
Fortunately I don’t have to shovel the junk. I can just have son, Joah, do it and listen to him bitch and moan about it for the rest of the day. It’s worth it. Perhaps he could shovel some heat into the air while he’s at it. I’m ready for my lawn chair and sandals. Am I the only one?