Monday, August 26, 2024

Michael's Chronicles: Thursday, Aug 22

I haven't had much time to do blog writing these days, as anyone who wanders onto this page will quickly notice. My brother Michael is a heck of a lot more prolific with the writing these days than I am. He travels all over the country selling hardwood drums and playable furniture at high-end art fairs. He's got stuff to talk about, so he's up and I'm not. Maybe that's for the best? Anyway, here's the newest from Michael Thiele, Hardwood Music craftsman. 

Thursday Aug 22

I drove here for this particular morning. I needed the fix: the marine layer. To those who live here it is a ho-hum thing. Familiarity I suppose……but for me, whose exposure is at best occasional, it is anything but passe’ - old hat. I am smitten. Unapologetic.

By mid-day the sun will insinuate itself onto the scene and warmth will displace this morning coolness. Photogenesis will be further served. Ho-hum, huh? Not being a beach-goer or a sun bather, I’m not holding my breath for the change. Don’t get me wrong………I’m good with sunshine. My “weather tent” is large. Lightning is beautiful in my book. Just not now and not in this place.

People around here are walking appreciative dogs, at least two of whom (small ones, of course) have taken time out of their busy day to yap out a warning bark at me. A woman is trimming rose bushes as she chatters at them, lovingly, as if words would ameliorate her snipping intrusion. A light breeze, too minimal to rustle leaves, has endorsed the beautiful morning coolness adding an inaudible decaf to the moment.

The morning will fade away as it always does. Time is indifferent to our love of the moment. The grace and beauty in memory is in having been there, in that moment.

Writing about it feels thin. Artifact at best. Think I’ll just shut up, close my eyes and breathe. It is why I came here.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Golden, Colorado

I haven't had much time to do blog writing these days, as anyone who wanders onto this page will quickly notice. My brother Michael is a heck of a lot more prolific with the writing these days than I am. He travels all over the country selling hardwood drums and playable furniture at high-end art fairs. He's got stuff to talk about, so he's up and I'm not. Maybe that's for the best? Anyway, here's the newest from Michael Thiele, Hardwood Music craftsman. 

Sunday, Aug 11
Golden, Colorado

I woke up this morning wondering what goes well with coffee since I am not a breakfast person. I decided on popcorn. But before I defend that one let me first editorialize on coffee. As a material, this stuff is best described as consisting of black water, an oil slick and bubbles. Exotic names are often assigned to the beverage as though it were like dog breeds or exotic plants.

A fishing buddy of mine, Charlie, bastardized his morning brew with copious quantities of creamer and sugar (not sweetener) before he added the core substance for flavoring. I castigated him mercilessly over this on the way out to the river. May as well have been talking to an anvil. Don’t get me started on the “decaf” thing. Can you wrap your brain around alcohol free gasoline? Enough about coffee………

Back to popcorn for breakfast. Not the kind, by the way, with caramel or chili sauce or whatever. Unexpurgated. That’s what I love and respect. Lightly salted. Butter OK. Why cook an egg when you can reach in a bag? So, popcorn was handy this morning and non-distractive to boot as I drove in to the Golden Art Festival. Took it with me to the booth to enjoy with my Mexican coke. Bubbles and pops.

I ran the idea by some dogs at the show. The response was uniformly positive. In fact, they all offered to participate in a taste test. Their owners were less enthusiastic for a variety of reasons, but a dog endorsement surely is to be respected.

Enough deep thoughts for the moment. Later…