Saturday, December 2, 2017

Watch This Space (but not Too Critically)

If you have read any of my science fiction novels, you may get the impression that I'm on the cutting edge of technology and science. I work very hard to give that impression. But the illusion falls apart in real life. Especially when I try to work on this blog. My most recent challenge is trying to figure out how to update the little bio blurb that runs along the top right portion of this page (just below the photo of me with the Mongolian Death Worm).

I can't do it. I have hurled myself at the problem multiple times, and I am foiled. This should come as no surprise, since every year I have to jump through multiple (technical) hoops just to figure out how to pay for this space.

I hope this is not my fault. I like to imagine that these public sites struggle to be user-friendly by a wide range of yahoos (like myself) who try to do more with the sites than they were designed for (on more platforms and operating systems than most sites have to cope with). Surely an army of programmers and designers toil long hours, every day, trying to keep up with the demand. And eventually they'll fix the glitches that frustrate my attempts to update my own biography.

So anyway – here's my update. I sold two novels to Tor, and the first one, Medusa Uploaded is due out in May 2018. It will be released in quality paperback, ebook, and audio formats. The second novel is still untitled, and in progress, and is a sequel to the first.

I've also got a few short stories due out: “Wraith” will be published by Longshot Island; “Cruddy” will appear in Enter the Aftermath, and “Appetite” will be in Enter the Rebirth. 

UPDATE:  Many thanks to John Cardoso, who read about my plight and figured out how I could fix it.  From John's letter: "1. Go to your Google Profile.  2. Click ABOUT, which is next to the edit profile button in the upper right.  3. Under about Emily there should be an introduction text section; click the pencil icon to edit that.  4. Click OK once changes are complete."

There was a 24-hour delay while the whole shebang updated, and my changes were reflected on the blog.  Yay!  Bazinga!  Success!  John is da bomb.  : )

Music for Meditation

Music is the best aid for meditation I've ever found (other than canyon silence, but that's rare these days). So I'm pleased to announce that Michael Levy is releasing a new album that will ease you into the good vibes. Follow the links below!

Release of my New Compilation Album!

To all my loyal lyre music loving fans, I am delighted to announce the general release across all the major digital music stores and streaming sites, of my brand new compilation album, "Ancient Lyre Music for Meditation".

This compilation album features a selection of my most meditative tracks, which were first featured in a wide selection of my earlier releases between 2012-2017, in addition to this new track, "Etude in the Olympos Pentatonic Scale": a spontaneous improvisation in this haunting ancient Greek tuning, for my stunningly authentic custom-built Luthieros replica ancient Greek tortoise shell lyre, hand-made in modern Greece, with a perfectly preserved natural tortoise shell resonator and authentic gut strings - the nearest one can get to taking the 2,400 year old reconstructed Elgin Lyre out of its display cabinet at the British Museum...and actually playing it:

For full details, including a free download link to a PDF of the detailed album notes and a list of all the main purchase links of the album (feel free to share to the rest of the world!), can be found on my new webpage about the album: tracks all feature the use of geometrically pure musical intervals in just intonation, many of which feature the subtly more calming effect of using a reference tuning pitch of A at 432 Hertz. These enigmatic melodies are perfect soundtracks for relaxation, meditation or prayer; for yoga, reiki, aromatherapy or massage; the perfect
musical antidote to living in our stressful, spiritually deprived, aesthetically deprived modern world...

Thank you all once more, for your continued and invaluable support in my ongoing musical mission; to give back to music, its long-forgotten, ancient soul.